Friday, September 18, 2009

The Knight was a knave (奸詐的人).
The knave needed a new knife.
The knife was near the knight's knee.
The knight needed the knife for the night.
The knight knew the knife's name.
The knight named the knife the knight.

Was the knight a knave?
Did the knave need a new knife?
What did the knave need?
Was the knife near the knight's knee?
Where was the knife?
Did the knight need the knife for the night?
Why did the knight need the knife?
What did the knight need the knife for?
Did the knight know the knife's name?
Who knew the knife's name?
What did the knight know about the knife?
Did the knight name the knife the knight?
What did the knight name the knife?
Who named the knife the knight?

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